Wednesday 21 May 2014

T HE   N A M E   O F    M A L E N A:

Malena Viene's Name of the Latin. Fort Malena is, the Autonomy, the Independence, capaci Parr dad Asumir the Responsibility, control and Direction. 
MEANING: Magnificent Inhabitant of the tower. Characteristics: It is happy, nice and anxious. It likes To live through her at liberty and silence Interested silence ANY saber Lo Que happens Una Alrededor to do. It is curious and very observant. Love: It is idealistic and romantic. She likes the MEDICION Measurement Stable.


  1. Malena! this post is in Spanish!!! :O
    But anyway I really like it.

    1. Carla was in Spanish because my computer was spoiling and it put everything in Spanish, but It's settled.
      Thanks for your comment :)
