Monday 7 September 2015



This summer I have spent it very well together to my family and friends.
Resultado de imagen de playaI spent the summer at my beach house, where I have many friends.
I love to be on the beach, normal I bath in water, but also sometimes we take the Sun, or are going to compare us with a drink.
Resultado de imagen de amigos veranoOne day we found a whale that had died and waves had dragged it to the shore, the water was full of blood, and it smelled very bad.
On the beach, I've met new people, and we made more friends.

Resultado de imagen de amigos veranoWe also love the pool, we spent all afternoon in the water playing with the ball.
Sometimes want to play a game like Rummy, Monopoly, Parcheesi, cards...
Also we go with the bike, we love to look for new ways, and see the horses.
Resultado de imagen de aquarama

Many photos, I've done with all my friends.
We've gone to Aquarama, it was fun.
I was also often to the movies and shopping.

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