Wednesday 30 December 2015


I love read, and I would like to recommend the books of the Selection, by Kiera Cass.

The Selection is a  romance novel by Kiera Cass. It is the first book in The Selection Series, followed by The Elite, then The One. It was released on March 26/2012 and April 24/2012.

It follows the journey of America Singer for the first three novels of this series. She is a young girl who was selected to enter a competition called The Selection  which is supposed to help the heir to the throne find their partner for life. In America's case, she is chosen to be one of the thirty-five girls to compete for Prince Maxon's heart, and to be the next princess of a future country called Illéa. However, this means leaving her family and secret boyfriend Aspen behind. She is stuck between two worlds and realizes that life as one of the competitors is not what she expected.

Last April 22, 2015, it was announced that Warner Brothers has purchased the film rights for The Selection.

The Heir and the crown are the last two books follows the journey of Princess Eadlyn Schreave. "Eadlyn doesn't expect her Selection to be anything like her parents' fairy-tale love story...but as the competition begins, she may discover that finding her own happily ever after isn't as impossible as she's always thought."

Monday 28 December 2015

Mockingjay part 2

Mockingjay part 2

This Christmas I went to the cinema to see the Mockingjay part 2:

Part 1: The Ashes   TRAILER

Katniss takes stock of her new position as a rebel in District 13. She and a few others were extracted from the Quarter Quell (Katniss's second Hunger Games adventure), but Peeta wasn't one of them – he's still missing, under control of the Capitol. Katniss is still haunted by President Snow. After much angst, she decides to be the figurehead, the Mockingjay, for the rebel side. In return, she gets immunity for her friends and permission to kill Snow. Another Games victor, Beetee, makes Katniss a special weapon.
Image result for peeta mellark and katniss everdeenKatniss has to star in commercials for the rebel side, called propos. For one propo, she and a team that includes her old friend Gale are sent into District 8, where they see a hospital get destroyed. This inspires Katniss to call for justice. Because the rebels are gaining in strength, and because Peeta has sent out a coded message to the rebels warning them of an attack, the Capitol releases footage of Peeta being tortured.

Part 2: The Assault

Katniss is horrified by the way Peeta is being treated. The Capitol bombs District 13, just as Peeta warned it would. Citizens of District 13 retreat underground for several days. When it's all clear, Katniss makes another propo, while rebel teams go to rescue Peeta.
The rebels get Peeta and some other folks out of the Capitol, but Peeta's been badly damaged. He's been "hijacked" (as in, brainwashed) and now thinks of Katniss as the enemy. As soon as he sees her, he tries to kill her. Not-so-happy reunion indeed.
Once she recovers from Peeta's attack, Katniss needs to be part of the action. She heads back to District 2 and is part of a summit about whether to attack the other side humanely or inhumanely. Gale suggests some inhumane kinds of weapons and strategies. During the battle that follows, Katniss gets shot. While recuperating, she bonds with another victor who we met in Catching Fire, Johanna, and witnesses the wedding of victors Finnick and Annie.
After a second recovery, Katniss trains to be part of the fighting again. She, Gale, and Finnick are assigned to a special unit that will be filmed during combat and turned into more propos. Right before they go out into the field, Peeta's assigned to their unit too. Hmm. Is it just us, or does that seem like a bad idea?

Image result for mockingjay part 2 katniss and peetaPart 3: The Assassin

Katniss is afraid for her life. Though Peeta has improved a bit, he's still hijacked and hates Katniss. Her commander, Boggs, agrees that she should watch out. But Boggs is one of the first casualties. Before he dies, he gives her command of their unit.
Katniss tells the others she has a secret mission to kill President Snow, and they follow her on what turns out to be a suicide mission. One by one, their team members are sacrificed as they make their way to the heart of the Capitol. Only five of them, including Katniss, Gale, and Peeta, are left by the time they reach it. Then those three get separated.
During the ensuing battle, many innocent children die. Members of the rebels' medical team, including Prim, Katniss's sister, are also killed. Katniss is badly wounded again. On the positive side, the rebels have gained control and have captured President Snow. Katniss visits the imprisoned President Snow, who says she should blame President Coin (of the rebels) for the attack and Prim's death.
And maybe he's right. It appears the rebels staged the final attack, and the weapon Gale made (you know, the one Katniss thought was inhumane) could have been the one that killed Katniss's sister. Katniss can't forgive him.
In a meeting right before Snow's execution, President Coin says that the remaining Hunger Games victors must vote to determine whether or not the new rebel government should start up the Hunger Games again, as a way to punish the citizens of the Capitol for what they did to the citizens of the Districts. (Wait, we thought the rebels were fighting to end cruel practices like the Hunger Games?) Katniss votes in favor. In part because of Katniss's vote, the answer is yes – the Hunger Games will start again.
Then it's time for Snow's execution. Katniss has the task of shooting him with her famous bow and arrow, but at the last minute, she kills Coin instead. Snow dies anyway.
At this point, Katniss has a serious breakdown. Time passes, but she's pretty much in a fog. Later she learns that she was acquitted during her trial, and she's sent back to the ruined District 12, along with Haymitch and later Peeta. Gale disappears into another district.
Over time, Katniss is able to grieve for her sister and the many others who died. As she begins to rebuild her life, she and Peeta restore a romantic relationship and eventually have children.
I love this film, because is a romantic and action film.
I think taht everything is perfect and would not change anything.

Tuesday 8 December 2015



This year, all the ESO, did a new project.The project it's about that for groups, we take a cliché and with images we make that old the people understand the meaning.And after we put them in the hall.

My group made the cliché of: One Can Never Know Too Much.

It means that no one can know too much, that no one knows everything.

If you want to know more cliches, you can visit this web:

Wednesday 2 December 2015

English Description

Her name is Ashley Thompson, but everyone call her Ash, is her nickname.
She is twenty two years old, her birthday is on 2nd August.
Resultado de imagen de new york
She lives in New York, in The Plaza Hotel, but when she has a big family (children and husband), she will live in a big and family house.

She is a very famous wedding planner,in New York, and she has her own brand of wedding dresses and jewelry. She loves her job, and She works with her best friend Amber Stone.

Ashley has one sister that she loves, but she only goes to see her sister at Christmas or summer, because her sister lives in Spain.  
She has a boyfriend, Alaan Scott, she loves him so much. They have planned for the future,to get married and have three children.
She has a lot of friends, but her best friend is Amber Stoon, they are friends since they were children, when they were 8 years old,  and they will always be together.

Ash loves shopping,to  be with her friends, traveling… She has traveled to many places: Spain, Germany, France, Holland, Russia, Prague, Lisbon, Japan, Sydney, Italy, London, Brazil, San Francisco …
Her favourite colour is pink, she likes fashion, horse riding, take care of herself, the city…
And she doesn’t like fast food (McDonalds...)

She is Leo, and every week she buy the magazine to look for her horoscope. She thinks that the horoscope is very important, and she thinks that it is always right.

She is 1’74 cm tall, but normally she uses heels, and with heels she is  1’80-1’85 m tall more or less.
And she is skinny, she weights 52 kg, because she takes care of herself.

Ashley is very pretty, She has got long and curly hair. Sometimes her hair is brown but normally is blonde.
She has got a brown and big eyes.

She has two tattoos, one in the neck that says: "don’t ask the moon, Get it", and the other It’s the word that she defined: “fighter”.

Her style is fashionable, she likes taking care of the hair, clothing, handbags, jewelry, accessories, makeup until shoes. she always wears very elegant and professional.
She has a modern and attractive look.

Ashley is a very good person, is coquette, friendly, funny, hardworking… But  above everything is dreamy and fighter.

I love her, for me it's an example to follow, because She always gets whats she wants and exceeds her targets.

Monday 7 September 2015



This summer I have spent it very well together to my family and friends.
Resultado de imagen de playaI spent the summer at my beach house, where I have many friends.
I love to be on the beach, normal I bath in water, but also sometimes we take the Sun, or are going to compare us with a drink.
Resultado de imagen de amigos veranoOne day we found a whale that had died and waves had dragged it to the shore, the water was full of blood, and it smelled very bad.
On the beach, I've met new people, and we made more friends.

Resultado de imagen de amigos veranoWe also love the pool, we spent all afternoon in the water playing with the ball.
Sometimes want to play a game like Rummy, Monopoly, Parcheesi, cards...
Also we go with the bike, we love to look for new ways, and see the horses.
Resultado de imagen de aquarama

Many photos, I've done with all my friends.
We've gone to Aquarama, it was fun.
I was also often to the movies and shopping.



Seven years after the death of his business partner Jacob Marley, a miserable old man named Ebenezer Scrooge is working in his office. He hates happiness, love, family, generosity, Christmas, and probably also puppies. When his nephew Fred invites him over to Christmas dinner, Scrooge yells at him and refuses. Scrooge then tells off the people collecting charity donations, and grumbles and complains that the fact that his clerk Bob Cratchit gets a paid day off for Christmas is theft.

That night, he is haunted by Marleys ghost, which warns Scrooge that the dead who led bad lives are forced to roam around and not be at peace. The ghost also claims that three other ghosts are going to appear to Scrooge, and leaves after telling Scrooge to change his life before its too late.

Scrooge shakes all this off as indigestion, but sure enough he soon gets a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Past. This spirit takes him on a tour of his childhood memories and Scrooge quickly starts crying when he remembers himself as a neglected boy. The past also features scenes from Scrooges young adulthood, when he transforms into the greedy miser that he ends up being after rejecting his fiancée and not learning the lessons of hospitality taught by Fezziwig, the man he was apprenticed to.

Now its time for the Ghost of Christmas Present, which flies him around the country to show how pretty much every other human is making the most of the season by getting together with friends and family. The flyby includes a stop at Freds house, where a bunch of friends are living it up with dancing and games. Scrooge also gets to check out the dirt-poor but loving Christmas dinner preparations of the Cratchit family. The youngest son is Tiny Tim, a sick, saintly boy.
Resultado de imagen de christmas carol
Next, Scrooge is squired around by a phantom—the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. Spoiler alert: Christmas Yet to Come is a pretty sucky place. Tiny Tim is dead, the Cratchits are bankrupt, and also Scrooge himself is dead with no one to mourn him—just a bunch of people to rob his corpse. After seeing his grave and freaking out, Scrooge promises to reform…

Wednesday 2 September 2015



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It is a film based on the book by John Green, was premiered in cinemas on July 24.
Quentin Jacobsen and Margo are 17 years old, and small were inseparable, since she moved to the House across the street.
One day the two came out for a walk, and found a dead man, something that marked them for life. And since then each went his own way, and they have not been talking.

Quentin is a responsible, studious guy... But on the contrary Margo is a cold, distant...
a few weeks before high school graduation, in the middle of the night Margo arose in the room of Quentin and asked that he accompany him to a night of mischief.
Resultado de imagen de cara delevingneThe two spent the night revenge of the friends and the boyfriend of margó since he had deceived him with one of her friends.
Quentin thought that after that night, and nothing would be the same. That he would always be with Margo, but the next day she disappeared.

It left him clues to Quentin so he knew where he was, and he was with some friends yours were looking for Margo, and after a long journey they found it.
Margo finally refused to return with Quentin.

Resultado de imagen de john greenMy personal opinion is that I liked the movie, but expect me it to be better.
The end, I liked because it is not a happy ending.
The principle is very funny, especially when making mischief night.
I love Cara Delevingne, and much that would make the role of Margo liked.
I've read more books of John Green, and everyone liked me very much, he is a great writer.