Thursday, 22 May 2014

My Best Friend Forever es Claudia With Claudia i have spent the best moments of my life we met in third year of primary school, she was the new of the class, so i was a bit lonely. One day, I decided to know her (one of the best decisions of my life),from the first moment I thought that was very friendly. We stayed several days together and we became best friends forever . Since then have not been separately and we have confidence in the other 100 %. We have our own language with key words. With her i have a great time.
We are best friends of the unicorn.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

T HE   N A M E   O F    M A L E N A:

Malena Viene's Name of the Latin. Fort Malena is, the Autonomy, the Independence, capaci Parr dad Asumir the Responsibility, control and Direction. 
MEANING: Magnificent Inhabitant of the tower. Characteristics: It is happy, nice and anxious. It likes To live through her at liberty and silence Interested silence ANY saber Lo Que happens Una Alrededor to do. It is curious and very observant. Love: It is idealistic and romantic. She likes the MEDICION Measurement Stable.